24K Gold : ₹ 8552
22K Gold : ₹ 8047.43
18K Gold : ₹ 6662
24K Gold : ₹ 8552
22K Gold : ₹ 8047.43
18K Gold : ₹ 6662
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What is a Diamond Certificate?
A diamond certificate, is a document also known as a diamond grading report is graded by renowned gemologists that include the genuine features of a diamond. After a diamond is being thoroughly studied, scrutinized and evaluated, the attributes are then measured and noted on the diamond certificate and presented along-with the diamond. Certificate given from a gemological laboratory verifies the quality of a diamond and allows non-experts to make knowledgeable decisions while purchasing diamonds.

What does it contain?
A diamond certificate features all the required details and specifications of a diamond i.e. The dimensions,Clarity ,Color, Polish ,Symmetry, Shape, Weight, Comments and other basic characteristics.


Diamond Certification Laboratories -
The most acclaimed diamond certification laboratories are G.I.A. (Gemological Institute of America ) A.G.S.L (American Gem Society Laboratories ) E.G.L. (European Gemological Laboratory (USA) ) I.G.L. (International Gemological Institute) and H.R.D. (Hoge Raad voor Diamant)that are recognized worldwide for certifying the genuineness of a diamond.

G.I.A. (Gemological Institute of America ) -
Founded in the year 1931, Gemological Institute of America, is one of the most prominent names in the field of diamond and jewelry. It is a non - profit organization that is headquartered in Carlsbad, California operating in 13 countries, with 11 campuses, 9 laboratories and 4 research centers worldwide. The research process, gem identification and diamond grading services are examined by professional gemologists who assures reliability and authenticity of a diamond. In the year, 1953 the G.I.A. developed its International Diamond Grading System and the Four Cs (cut, clarity, color, and carat weight) as the standard to compare and evaluate the quality of diamonds.

A.G.S.L.(American Gem Society Laboratories) -
Founded in the year 1934, The American Gem Society is a trade association that deals with and includes retail jewelers, suppliers, self-regulating appraisers, and selective industry members. AGSL is based in Las Vegas, Nevada and specializes in diamond grading and so has its own cut clarity, and color standards.

E.G.L. (European Gemological Laboratory (USA) -
Founded in the year 1934, The American Gem Society is a trade association that deals with and includes retail jewelers, suppliers, self-regulating appraisers, and selective industry members. AGSL is based in Las Vegas, Nevada and specializes in diamond grading and so has its own cut clarity, and color standards.


I.G.I. (International Gemological Institute) -
The International Gemological Institute or the (IGI) was established in 1975 and is based in Antwerp, Belgium and has a number of offices worldwide. It certifies colored stones and jewelry along-with diamonds. IGI is certainly one of the largest independent gemological laboratory and also runs Schools of Gemology globally.


HRD (Hoge Raad voor Diamant) -
The Hoge Raad voor Diamant (HRD), was formed in 1973, in Antwerp. HRD recognizes certificates for diamond and gemstones and also monitors the import and export of loose diamond supply. The HRD certificate consists of a detailed analysis of the 4 C’s (cut, clarity, color and carat) of a diamond.


Why is Diamond certification important?
A diamond without its certification is not considered genuine and authentic. It can create doubts in the mind of a buyer or customer about quality of the diamond.
All diamonds might resemble each other but definitely the quality will vary. Since diamond certification is a proof of originality of the diamond attributes, it is thereby recommended to get the certification done because it is necessary to know the quality of the diamond you are buying for.